Kano State Polytechnic adjusted calendar

Welcome to schoolgisthub. This page will tell you everything about Kano State Polytechnic adjusted calendar.
The Kano State Polytechnic management has made adjustments to the previous academic calendar.

According to the management ”
Commencement of 2023/2024 academic session 2nd/4th Semester Lectures.
In line with its approved adjusted calendar for the 2023/2024 academic session, the Management of Kano State Polytechnic wishes to notify both staff and students that the academic activities for the 2nd/4th semester will commence on Monday 3rd June 2024.
It’s important to note that the management has observed with dismay the truant attitude of some lecturers during the 1st/3rd semester lectures.
Given the foregoing, all school directors are directed to ensure strict compliance and direct all academic staff to commence lectures as contained in the calendar. Failure to comply will attract sanctions on the erring staff.

This statement was signed by the deputy Registrar, Sulaiman Hussaini.

With this information, all students are directed to start attending lectures from Monday 3rd June 2024.

check more about KSP

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